Wed 21st
Midsummer Solstice
Magical Midsummer Stroll!

Happy Solstice to Everyone! Wishing you a Magical Midsummer and beyond!

This week we are going on a Positive Living Group Walkabout!
A Spontaneous, Magical Midsummer’s Glastonbury Adventure!

Let’s gather at the steps of Glastonbury Town Hall at 7pm Wednesday.

The plan is to take a gentle stroll up towards the Tor from town.
We are going to Be ‘In The Moment’ and go with what the group would like to do, but the general plan is to find a lovely place to sit together in one of the fields at the bottom of the slope or/and go into The White Spring for a little time as well.
When it feels the right spot to settle awhile, we would like to share in conversation and in some meditation. Dave will be sharing some meditation and breathwork practices if people would like this, and everyone is welcome to share stories, poems, meditation, prayer, song, music, or anything else positive, loving, nurturing and uplifting if you would like to.

Some people may like to continue to sit in the field or at The Spring, and others may like to walk up the Tor. Please look after yourself and one another and do just what is right for you.
We shall contemplate the Earth, the magic of the summer, of friendship and community.

Bring: Yourself, friends, comfy shoes, colourful clothes, something light but warm (if there is likely to be a breeze later ~ the Tor can get breezy in the evening), something to drink, possibly a light snacks or picnic snacks to share, and a picnic blanket or something lightweight to sit on if you wish to. Any musical instruments you would like, i.e. drum, guitar.

Everyone welcome. This is a free event.

If walking from the Town Hall is too far or you prefer to meet us at the base of the Tor, please aim for being there at 7.20pm~ish and take a seat outside the White Spring. When we arrive we will check if anyone seated or standing there is waiting for our group.
We look forward to seeing you! :o) :o)




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