Wed 26th
What is at the heart of healing?
Dr. Rosy Daniel

We invite you to a very special evening with acclaimed Integrative Medicine Consultant, Dr Rosy Daniel.

Tonight Dr Daniel will share inspirational stories of those that have healed cancer, identifying the specific holistic keys in each case that unlocked their healing potential. She will then offer each participant the opportunity to see their own mind, body, spirit and environmental balance and where vital changes can be made to prevent and reverse illness with her enlightening ‘Picture of Health’ self-assessment tool. You will leave uplifted with new confidence in the magnificent potential of our bodies to heal and with insight about the unique keys for your own healing and healthy evolution.

Having trained as a General Practitioner in Bristol, it was the illness of a close friend that was strongly influenced by the friend’s emotional state led to Dr Daniel’s interest in the mind-body connection. In 1985 she joined the Bristol Cancer Help Centre where she studied complementary medicine and psychological and self-help approaches. Moved by the phenomenal self-healing journeys she witnessed at Bristol, she was inspired to write her first book Loving Medicine (Gateway Books, 1989).

Dr Daniel is committed to helping people become more involved in the creation of their optimum health and happiness, whether they are currently suffering from illness or seeking to prevent it. Her new scientifically based Regenerative Health Programme is at the forefront of preventive healthcare and offers specialised, individualised care and support from Dr Daniel and her select team of mentors, therapists and trainers to achieve measurable health gain. With the health service facing the biggest challenge ever through soaring levels of preventable lifestyle related illness, Dr Daniel’s approach is timely and is already making a real difference to many people by preventing illness, reversing disease and promoting peak health and happiness.


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