Wed 7th
The Sounds of Harmony of The Heart, Mind and Soul

Another exquisite and unique evening as Tareth takes us into a powerful meditation and teaches us some techniques that bring a healing, peaceful harmony of heart mind and soul. This will all be linked to the beautiful essence of earth nature to let us help ourselves, each other and send healing and peace into the world.

Tareth will then ask for the sounds of this harmony to manifest physically so that we can hear them and open a doorway within of knowing we are beautiful souls of light and sound.

To complete the evening tareth will sing three original songs relating to this energy.

Tareth is a healer and teacher of awakening your inner light. He has the ability to manifest the spiritual world in a physical way, including sounds that are the soul in all creation. He sees this as simply to help open the doors of the mind, his purpose is to help others discover their own gifts and to be free to expand and discover the beautiful souls they are.



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