Wed 20th Merry Midsummer Meet!


Happy Midsummer!!

This coming Wednesday will be the eve of Midsummer and as with last year we are organising a special event. Two weeks ago at his talk, Geobiologist  Rory Duff described the forthcoming World Harmony Days. These are energy portal days in which people may like to gather in community groups around the world to meditate. The first one of several of these powerful Harmony Days will be this Wednesday, 20th.
Rory has shared with us that he will be leading three groups on the day, firstly at Oliver’s Castle (near Avebury) at 10am in the morning, on Glastonbury Tor at 2pm, and at Stanton Drew for 6pm.

Rory: ‘These free Group meditation/prayer sessions are held four times a year on the harmony periods when all the energy lines come into harmony. It is on these occasions that the special sound energy shapes form interact so well with our own energy fields if we resonate with it the right way. The ultimate aim is to have Gatherings occurring all around the World on sacred sites during these harmony periods’.

We at Glastonbury PLG will be joining Rory and friends for both the 2pm gathering on the Tor and at Stanton Drew for 6pm.
As above, these meditations are taking place across the planet at various sacred sites and it will be lovely to join the vibration. As a highly experienced dowser and earth energies expert, Rory’s meditations are superb!

So here is the plan… We will meet outside the Town Hall at 1pm, take a very leisurely stroll to the Tor via The White Spring. We will then climb the Tor and join in with the group meditation for approximately 2pm.

Anyone who would like to join in but is unable to climb the Tor or prefers not to may like to bring a blanket to sit on at Base Camp to hold this space and to connect with the meditation from there. Base Camp will be in the field on the White Spring side of the Tor or at the base of the Tor just through the second gate – essentially wherever you will feel most comfortable and happy.

For those who would like to come to Stanton Drew you may need to bring a car or to organise a lift. This way you can arrive or leave at your leisure. We do suggest that car shares might be a way of spreading the petrol costs and reducing vehicle pollution so with any lifts, please offer the driver something towards petrol costs. Car lifts will be at your own discretion and responsibility. There may well be people who attend the meditation at 2pm who have car spaces so it is worth asking while you are there. Alternatively please reply to this email or write to us at by tomorrow at midday in case we can advise – or see us on the Tor.

For the Tor meet-up please bring: a blanket to sit on if you would like to, a bottle of water/juice or a bottle to fill at the Spring.

For Stanton Drew please bring: a blanket to sit on, some yummy vegetarian contributions to a group picnic, warm clothing in case the weather becomes cooler.

Optional extras for Stanton Drew in particular… a poem you like, a story, a song, an instrument. If you are not sure what to contribute in this way, go to your bookshelf, randomly pick up a book and bring it along to read an extract from! ;o)
Some people may perhaps like to bring a small offering to the Spirit of the Place/the Elementals if you wish  to – such as a little of your drink, a flower, something from your picnic contribution, a small stone or such.

If the weather is cool by evening or in case it rains (not forecast so far!) – or if the majority would just like to – we have the option of going to the nearby and very nice Druid Arms. This pub has a lovely garden with it’s own interesting stones.

Those who have been to Stanton Drew before will know what a wonderful place it is… a little bit reminiscent of Avebury’s stones but without the buildings and as many visitors. It has been left as a very peaceful, open space with two ancient stone circles and a number of grazing cows. There is a small river nearby and a line of ancient willow trees. There is an Honesty Box at the entrance to the Drew and an invitation from the owner of the field to leave a £1 entry.

We very much hope to see you at either or both events. Last year we had a wonderful gathering in a sacred apple grove and we all came away with friendships made and others strengthened.

We wish everyone a very happy Midsummer!
:o) Joy, Love and Peace to All. :o)
Meet at the steps to the Town Hall
Glastonbury Tor
Those that have arranged to join us, meet and set off from St Dunstan’s car park.
Alternatively you can make your way there in your own time for 6pm.

(possibly and very much depending on time, an optional quick stop off at The Book Barn if individuals wish to…but don’t get lost!) :o)
Stanton Drew Sacred Stone Circle
7pm approx. or slightly later:
Picnic and Sharing!



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