Saturday 17th December
WORKSHOP with Divyael
The Integration of the New Higher Energies on Mother Earth

Come and share a deeply relaxing and peaceful afternoon together with Divyael as we discuss and experience more deeply, the journey of our hearts and the understanding and integration of what is happening for us and the earth at this time.

This workshop will follow on from the previous experience of safely travelling into our hearts, opening as we go to the very real possibilities of living further into compassion whilst eradicating confrontation using the timeless method of Love.

As a healer and spiritual counsellor, Divyael is considered to be an ‘Awakener’ ~ acting as a catalyst to facilitate growth, self~empowerment and healing. Many people who have come into contact with him have subsequently experienced changes on many levels, including shifts in awareness, clearing and releasing of emotional blockages and expansion of consciousness.
Divyael profile pic
You are welcome to telephone Divyael to discuss any questions you may have about the workshop on 07966 373299

Divyael additionally offers individual sessions to those who would like this.

The workshop will be from 2pm until 5pm

Venue is The Goddess House, Magdalene Street, Glastonbury

£35 (concessions available upon request)

To book, please email

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