Wed 12th
Thalia Brown
Druidry Meets Yoga
Avalon of The Heart

The development of the inner mystic is the focus of this evening. In both Yogic and Druid traditions the physical practice is designed to open the doors of perception, so that we may ask: who am I? and to whom does it serve?

From the waters meet of Druidry and Yoga, this talk will explore some of those places that give rise to a gnosis of the heart. It will include research into the shared ancestry of Yoga and Druidry that was part of Thalia’s thesis for her Yoga Teacher Diploma. Drawing inspiration from the spirit of place, parallels are found between the legends of Glastonbury and Yogic symbolism.

Thalia has lived in Glastonbury since 1990. She is a Yogini, an Archdruid, Ardbandrui and Bard of the Druid Clan of Dana, ‘An Clann Draoidheachta Danan’. Interest in Druidry began in 1985 whilst studying at Falmouth School of Art. Her Druid Grove, Avalon White Hart, explores the Avalonian dreamtime in a quest for the Aquarian Grail. She ordained in 2010 as a Priestess in the Fellowship of Isis.  Thalia is a yoga teacher and artist. Yoga became the centre of her life in 1966 at the age of five. Initially taught by her mother, she practised Iyengar Yoga until she discovered Satyananda Yoga in 2013. Between 2015-2017 Thalia trained to teach Yoga at The Mandala Yoga Ashram in Wales, under the directorship of Swami Nischalananda Saraswati. She received her spiritual name of Chitrini whilst on the course. As a teacher she uses bardic skills to share her passion for gentle Yoga attuned to the rhythms of nature.

As we become attuned to the rhythms of nature, we awaken our essential nature. We are welcomed home to ourselves. This is the aim of Thalia’s teaching in Three Hills School of Yoga and the Grove of the Avalon White Hart.

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