Wed 7th
Jamie Arthur Pickup
Giza, Glastonbury,
and Divine Light:
Da Vinci’s Code

Glastonbury, Avalon, “the Isle of Apples” is surrounded by picturesque scenery and the historic Glastonbury Tor, where St. Michael’s Tower overlooks the beautiful Somerset landscape. Shrouded in mystery, myth, and magic, Glastonbury and the Tor are important parts of Celtic mythology and the legend of King Arthur. The exquisite and mysterious Chalice Well holds one of the most important pieces of symbolism within the Vesica Piscis.

Uncovering some of the mysteries is Jamie Arthur Pickup, an author, decoder, and researcher. The first person to rediscover the numerical code hidden within Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, a piece of coding that directly correlates with Glastonbury, the Tor, and the Winter Solstice Sunrise on December 21st every year.

The Chalice Well with the Red Spring is one of the most visited attractions in Glastonbury, and it has a unique atmosphere, a peaceful and calming atmosphere that can only be felt, no words really do it justice. The Chalice Well also holds the simplest yet most telling branch of mathematics and geometrical symbols, the Vesica Piscis.

Let us introduce you to some of the fascinating numerological calculations that can be found in these places, objects, and symbols:

The Vesica Piscis symbol shows two circles interjecting to create an oval window at its centre point. The Vesica Piscis has a height-to-width ratio of 265:153, or 418.

418: In the ancient practise of Gematria, which is documented as having been used as far back as the Assyrians and the 8th century, the name Christos = 1480 (Greek Isopsephy).

In Greek Isopylistic Gematria, the Vesica Piscis, with a ratio of 418, and Christos, with a ratio of 1480, have the same numerical coding as Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

The Mona Lisa has dimensions of 77 cm by 53 cm, or 4081.

The height of the Great Pyramid of Giza was 481 feet.

At 51.84 degrees, the Angle of Inclination at the Great Pyramid of Giza falls within the angular radius required to perceive a rainbow.

51.84 degrees, Glastonbury Tor’s St. Michael’s Tower has coordinates of 51° 8′ 40′′ north.

Light Codes: There are 16,777,216 different colour combinations in the world, but only nine of them are divine light codes, known as HEX codes: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, and 999.

The divine light codes are what many people like to call “angel numbers.” The basis of those angel numbers are the divine light codes from colour charts, the RGB codes of red, green, and blue. They are light codes that generate divine grey light. Grey is an important colour when discussing divine light. Grey is the balance, it is justice, harmony, and peace. It is the balance of polarised black and white, Yin and Yang (69). Grey is the centre point.

Jezus Christos is described as the light of the world and the Son/Sun of man, and this is why Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper has dimensions of 8.8 m by 4.6 m, showing the 864,000 mile diameter of the sun, the fifth element of aether, and the geometry of the dodecahedron.

On December 7th, 2022, Jamie will be talking with the Glastonbury Inner Light Group to discuss all of his research on light, Leonardo da Vinci, the Pyramids of Giza, and Glastonbury Tor.

There is a lot to be revealed…

Venue: Abbey House, Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury BA6 8DH.
Doors 6.30pm for 7pm start.
£7 in advance or on the door, subject to spaces.
Tickets from Man, Myth & Magik, 6 Magdalene St, BA6 9EH.

Please bring the correct change if possible.

We would like to do our upmost to be attentive to the needs of everyone attending our talks, including those who have delicate immune systems. If you have a cough, cold, or are unwell with any type of virus, please come along on another occasion when you are fully recovered. If this means that you will miss a talk that you are particularly keen on attending, please contact us in advance so that we can explore what we can do to assist.

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