Wed 31st
Jonathan Trapman
Evolutionary Journey:
Life through the Lens

In a career spanning nearly fifty years as photo journalist and advertising photographer Jonathan Trapman has travelled the world extensively. His meetings with extraordinary people, from the very top to the bottom, life lessons gifted through many assignments and images, allows him to do what he loves the most – share that journey and lessons learned with others.

We all travel a unique road. Our experiences are personal, impacting and offer opportunity for life change at every step. What Jonathan shares through his images, their back-stories, his own learning from such encounters, holds a commonality we can all relate to. The privilege in meeting such a diversity of our global family, to interact, be taught incredible lessons, makes this evening with Jonathan one to immerse in, recognise mutuality, share the joy, wonder and awe we all are exposed to as ‘life’ at every moment.

Gifted way beyond our imaginings, in sharing our each and every story, acknowledging no one story is more poignant, beautiful and evolutionary than another we co-create our evolution. Our common being, ability to share love, compassion, tolerance and empathy as we learn from each experience brings a richness of collective growth greater than any gold silver or status.

Sort of what we all need in barrel loads today!

About Jonathan

A Brownie camera set the compass. Truth and reality, determined from a profound lesson in untruth, took him inevitably into the viper’s den of lies and BS – Fleet Street followed by the world of advertising. As his RE teacher advised at an impressionable age – “If you want to change the system, you sometimes have to dive deep into it”. He did, almost drowning in the excesses of the 70s, 80s and 90s. Fame, travel and ad campaigns offered experiences some only dream of. Blue chip clients, exotic locations, incredible experiences however brought an equal share of nourishment to an ever-inquisitive and continually opening mind.

As his own spiritual awakening blossomed in the 90’s his journalist’s pen took equal place alongside the camera. A published author, independent journalist and guest speaker at UNESCO sponsored events, radio and TV and Internet warrior, he helps others awaken, recognise and implement their own action and goals. His upcoming world tour, “Shoot, Learn, Grow – an Evolutionary Journey” over the next several years will allow him to share, laughing at both adversity, triumph, disaster and death as they reveal themselves to be the imposters they have always been.

The venue for tonight is the stunning Abbey House, Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury, BA6 8DH.

There is free parking in the driveway as well as some nearby streets. Please be extremely careful upon entering and leaving the driveway as it opens straight onto the main road and there may be other cars or people on foot. Please keep engine revs to a minimum as there may be open windows or people relaxing in the garden if the weather is is warm. Many thanks and we look forward to sharing this very special evening with you.

Doors will open from 7pm. Start time 7.30pm. £5 on the door. Entry is on a first arrival basis.
Please arrive between 7pm and 7.20pm.

Main image: Callanish

Image’s below: NYC Central Park; Pools of Eternity; Soup Seller




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